My last astrophoto capture :

Sh2-119 and Ou5 – Captured in SHO and RGB – June 2023 – Jordan Marlière

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Welcome to my site dedicated to my astronomical catches.

You will find mainly deep sky astrophotography, in which I specialized, but also a little lunar, planetary, and solar, as the time of year, the evolution of my performance, as well as my hardware.
Discover the celestial objects that surround us, from the most common to the most impressive. Some are completely invisible because very little light, even through a telescope, hence the performance of being able to photograph them.
I use several shooting techniques, from the simplest to the most complex, requiring careful adjustment, and most of the time several hours of capture and processing.

My passion : “Capturing the invisible light years away.”

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Some figures about me


Celestial objects photographed


Pictures in total


Capture minutes


Light years from farthest object photographed


Mega bytes of data


Computer processing hours


Sleepless nights


UFO preview